Doh, Lame!

I had a great lesson on Tuesday. It was our first lesson in 3 months and I was so nervous. But the lesson went great. Bern seemed happy with our progress (at least we didn't lose too much ground during the hiatus). I'm not a big fan of flying solo with dressage. Mostly because I like that my trainer really challenges me, makes me think about what is working or not, and guides me on how to fix it. Without that, I tend to get stuck in ruts, frustrated, or bored.

So the lesson went great, and Wednesday evening I get to the barn rip roaring to work on what we learned the day before and..... Ava's lame. Thursday she's still lame, although using it a little better. There's no heat, no cuts or scrapes, just swollen and obviously painful to her. She puts weight on it, but is gimpy with it.

Today is Friday... And I'm hoping, without much optimism, that she's made a speedy recovery over night. I had just started planning out our goals for the 2012 show season. Getting all excited because I think, with hard work, we can be quite competitive at second level next summer. Then this happens... I feel like I jinxed myself. I'm going to the barn this evening to check on Ava. Wish me good fortune and a speedy recovery.


  1. Rats! Hopefully it's a minor tweak and she gets back to normal ...


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